Member plans

Compare all plans welcome 
(Members with no subscription)
Plus ​(Individuals with full meal) Enterprise (Monthly fee + add ons)
​Customer service 24h per 7 (online only)
Per hour 8 € 7 € 5 € 4 €
​Half day (4 hours) 13 € 10 € 8 € 7 €
Full Day (8 hours) 18 € 15 € 13 € 11 €
Weekly reservation (5 days) 65 € 60 € 55 € 50 €
​Members access 7 days a week to locations  -
Monthly subscription - 125 € / m ​199 € / m 299 € / m
Monthly - 3 months ​(does not require contract, only payment in advance) - 100 € / m ​159 € / m 250 € / m
Monthly - 6 months ​(it requires contract, and 3 months payment in advance) - 83.3 € / m ​130 € / m 200 € / m
F&B (Food & Beverage) Benefits - Water and coffee unlimited Full meal included Full meal included
Hapyi Store 10% discount 15% discount 20% discount 25% discount
Discount on community (companies) members services 15% discount 20% discount 25% discount 30% discount
Events location renting Since 10 € per hour Free Free Free
Summits and investors meetings Access to the waiting list Free Free + bonus Free + bonus
Eventos - Work & Play Convite permanente - entrada gratuita Convite permanente - entrada gratuita Convite permanente - entrada gratuita Convite permanente - entrada gratuita
DEDICATED DESK (since)​ - includes F&B benefits - 12 € 11 € 10 €
PRIVATE OFFICE - includes F&B benefits - 140 € 130 € 120 €
LEASING (mininum 50 meters) - includes F&B benefits Since 200 € Since 250 € Since 300 €
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Unlimited basic free support for members

​Agents available 24/7 at your service.

 Currently, we offer written support in 13 languages and phone support in 3 languages. 

Written support: 
Portuguese (multiple languages), Spanish (multiple languages), English (multiple languages), French (multiple languages), Italian (multiple languages), German, Dutch, Belgian, Norwegian, Danish, Swazi (and Afrikaans), Japanese, and finally, Mandarin.

Phone support:

DBL Centers physical schedule

Monday to Friday - 9 am to 7 pm 
Possible to use by appointment before 9 am and after 7 pm. 
Saturday - 9 am to 1 pm 
Sunday - By appointment only.

Premium monthy members have 24 hours access.

You can request an international or national phone call by sending an email to

International partners

Are you traveling abroad for business? 
Or are you a digital nomad residing abroad and a member of ours, occasionally using our centers in Portugal?
We have multiple centers available to the DBL community spread across Europe and North America through partnerships, contact us to know which ones.

With a global position and a digital footprint since 2019, the DBL has plans to be physically present on 5 continents until 2025.


​24/7 customer service online and quick telephone response to requests from any members (response time, may vary).

7 day physical access exclusively for premium members:
Only on montly subscriptions of plans PLUS or ENTERPRISE.

Note: Schedules out of the public hours require booking in advance.
There timelines are:
8 am to 9 am and 7 pm to 10 pm during the week, saturdays on the afternoon and sunday all the day.

100 €

​For monthly START members
Pay only 100 € with a 3 month deal or get a month fee offered by DBL on a 6 month deal (500€ for 6 months).
Don't pay for aditional amenities ​unnecessarily, and enjoy unlimited coffee and water as you work, on a monthly basis for a very small fee.

If your prefer pay only 125 € per month (1 only) with no further commitment.

Premium members (PLUS or ENTERPRISE) have full meals included.

With all essential amenities and ALL premium amenities included.
Become a premium member starting at 130 € (6 month deal) or 199 € per month (1 only) with no further commitment.

8 €

​Desk rentals with all essential amenities included for welcome members (non-subscription members). 

Not a member yet? 
Join now!

Begin as a new member, which we call WELCOME member, and later if you wish to become a START or a premium member, you can become so, on your own timing.